Friday, January 15, 2010

Retail Sales & Online Sales

Every where you read now days you see that the sales from month to month is on the decline but people are still spending money online. Has it become that there is better deals online then there is going to your local place to buy items. I have been selling online for the past 12 years and have see the up's and downs of the market that I am in. However people that spend the money online are more of the bargin shoppers we use to see on them black fridays.

How is 2010 going shape up for the online merchants that has built there companys around there figures for the past few years not really counting last year since it was a up and down year for most of us.

I believe there going be a stronger outlook on 2010 on the online merchants compared to the retails we see everyday on the TV trying to get you to come there and shop. Alot of the so called deals if you do enough research online you can find at the same price with free shipping or at a discount. Remember that if you take the time and know everything about the item your seeking the better off you are kinda like if your going to buy a new car and researched buyer reviews and kelly blue book and all that time and effect really does pay off when your wanting a item for the best price possible.

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